Sunday, September 11, 2011

Waging War...It Hurts (Part 1)

You would think that this concept is simple, right? That it makes so much sense that everyone should understand, right?


War, and therefore warfare, takes much more than the ordinary person is willing to accept. There are, to put it simply, three aspects of war that must be understood in order to participate in it (and don't think for a second that you, reader, are immune to war-you're not, however, we'll get into that a little bit later). First comes the Spiritual level, next comes the Mental level, and last, but not least, comes the Physical level. This order is crucial-make no mistake! I'm willing to argue this point until I'm proven otherwise, but for now, just go along with me to understand my rationale.

But first, we must go make to the earlier statement that was mentioned because I think it needs to be repeated: YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO WAR. Just because you are not an enlisted solider doesn't mean that you are not at war. Just because you are a faithful practitioner of a religion doesn't mean that aren't engaged in warfare. You exist in this world. You are obligated to follow the laws of your city, state, and/or country because you are its citizen. You are undermined by a hierarchy are laws (from the mundane laws of your job to the monthly laws of your rent and car payment) that you are vaguely intimate with and are not able to fully articulate their rationale with great detail. You must, therefore, understand that in some way (voluntarily or not) you are in war and more often than not, you are unaware of its existence. 

So your homework tonight (if you choose to complete it) is to think about as many ways as you can of how you are engaged in warfare. Hopefully, you will begin to realize how much of a tangled web you are caught in. And if you think about it a little deeper, you will realize that you're not alone. And maybe, just maybe, you'll come up with some questions about why you (and we) exist in this condition (or state of being) and you'll have some possible solutions to ending the war. 

After all, war is meant to be fought, right?

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