Many of you readers seem to understand the importance of being aware of your surroundings. And you have realized that there is more than one type of awareness. There's the kind that makes you see that the world is not the way that is should be; there's the kind that makes you see that the so-called staples or fixtures of our culture cannot sustain our current state of existence; there's a kind that makes you question why things are the way that they are; and there's a kind that make you question why it seems to be that there are only a few people who are actually awake and aware of the same things that you are. Can anyone tell me why this is?
This is just my opinion but it seems to me that a lot of people are happy being asleep. It's easier and it's definitely a hell of a lot safer. It's more convenient to be concerned with me, my and mine. It's better to believe that the problems of the world that don't affect you individually will simply go away or be solved "one day". You have overcome; you can take care of your securing your luxuries and it's all good.
If you are the person that I just mentioned, then let me let you know right here and now that you are a selfish and sorry excuse for a human being. If you're offended-good (and you should be)! How can you not see that the world as we know it is crumbling apart at the seems and sit there and not do anything! Are you so tuned into reality TV that the real reality passes you by? Are you too concerned with the NFL and NBA lockout that you can't see that many of the established systems that are in place are crumbling right before your eyes? What the hell is the matter with you?
Life is the only game that you should truly be concerned about; not just your own life but the lives of others. You are apart of a community much bigger than your close circle of family members or the neighborhood that you live in. You are apart of a country that, regardless of race, gender or religion that is not for you and is and was designed with the idea of having you fail. I am not exaggerating!
We are at war! If there are people out there who can get sentenced to death even when there is no proof of guilt, then the system is broken! If there are people out there who are entitled to certain rights are getting screwed over by major corporations, then the system is not in their (and your) favor! If there are people out there who are hardworking getting harassed on their jobs and then getting let go and refused their unemployment, then the system is corrupt! This list goes on and on. Can't you see this happening around you? Can't you? And if you can't, then why can't you? What are you doing?
Really, what are you doing? What is more important than making sure that you are living in a country where its citizen's rights are protected? What are you doing that's more important than assisting the people around you in making sure that their basic needs are met? Are you that selfish that you can't concern yourself with their troubles. Wouldn't you want someone to help you if you were in their position?
Remember when I asked you to think about how you could engage yourself in warfare? I asked you to think about the world around you to see if there was something that you could do to help fix it. By helping to be the solution to a problem, you are engaging in warfare. Whether it is volunteering at a soup kitchen on a regular basis, donating food to the homeless, mentoring a child that needs guidance and support, you are combating the war that's currently going on. These are just some ideas. You could take it a little bit further by not banking with banks who insist on charging a fee just to use their product. You could refuse to buy gas at a gas station that was responsible with contaminating the environment and spend millions of dollars trying to keep this fact out of the news.
All you need to do is begin with one. Find one position that doesn't just affect you and take a stand. Get some fire in you and fight for truth and justice! Grow a backbone and don't waiver in your fight to accomplish something that benefits mankind on a grand scale. If you don't know where to start, all you have to do is take a look at the stories that the news stations aren't covering and start asking yourself some questions.
This may sound cliche to you but you really can make a difference. If everyone thought that one person could make a difference, wouldn't we would be in a better position than we are right now? I won't lie and say it will be easy but the goal is to help make it easier for someone who is a prisoner of war. Remember, you don't have to be a soldier in an army to help save lives. Do what you can right in your own neighborhood, in your own state and in your own country.
Do the right thing for mankind; this is the second step to engaging in war and helping to solve the problem or problems that lie before you.
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